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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Gulf Business - Message from the top : Bal Krishen, CEO, Century Financial

تم إعداد هذا المنشور من قبل بال كريشين

Gulf Business -    Message from the top     :...

As companies across the GCC tackle the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, regional business leaders reveal insights on what their organisations are doing and offer advice on how to deal with the current crisis

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread across the world, we remain committed to stopping it in its tracks, sooner rather than later.

We are cooperating with the local authorities in supporting social distancing and work-from-home without affecting our clients and our employees in any way.

Century Financial places a strong emphasis on the health of our employees as well as our customers. Anticipating government restrictions, we deployed a remote working strategy.

Since we already had a business continuity plan in place in the event of any crisis, we have been able to make a seamless transition. For example, our IT department has enhanced the capacity of our servers to deal with the rise in data traffic. Using web-based video solutions, separate virtual team rooms have been created for the company’s management and various departments for ensuring ongoing and efficient decision-making.

Our in-house customer relationship management software is now available via the internet with enhanced security features. Those who need to access their office workstation and finance platforms are given a secure VPN connection.

On the corporate level, we have adopted a remote working policy/code of conduct to ensure security as well as privacy of company data. To counter the threat of phishing attacks on our computer systems, employees have been briefed on various measures on how to protect data and their systems and the efficient use of the company network. We firmly believe that the steps we have taken to date will not only benefit us but will be valuable long after the pandemic has ended.

With the absence of any permanent cure, social distancing, self-isolation, and in extreme cases, quarantine, is strongly recommended as the best way to combat the spread of this pandemic. We live in an age where internet connectivity has enabled us to get work done remotely.

Utilise this innovation now and we shall weather this storm.

Source :
Gulf Business
Middle East Business