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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Khaleej Times - Century Financial distributes safety kits to Careem captains

تم إعداد هذا المنشور من قبل بال كريشين

Khaleej Times - Century Financial distributes...

 Bal krishen Special to Khaleej Times, Dated 12 Sep 2020

Dubai — The UAE’s leading financial consultancy firm, Century Financial recently partnered with Careem, the region’s everyday Super App, to distribute around 2,000 safety and hygiene kits to its customers and captains.

The initiative, which coincided with International Charity Day on September 5, is part of the annual charity drive undertaken by Century Financial every year, under the banner of “Health, Wealth and Happiness”.

In playing our part to help flatten the curve, we have partnered with Careem in an effort to protect drivers and delivery boys (captains) by providing them with the necessary hygiene products, including hand sanitizers, face masks, gloves, protective footwear covers among other items,” said Bal Krishen, chairman, Century Financial.

Gheed El Makkaoui, general manager of Careem UAE, added: “Health and safety are at the core of all our operations, especially during this pandemic. Our drivers and delivery captains are the backbone of the company and we shall go the extra mile to ensure that they and their families, including the customers they interact with on a daily basis, are protected.”

Source : Khaleej Times