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Saturday, January 23, 2021

Khaleej Times - My Nation My Vision’ campaign concludes successfully

تم إعداد هذا المنشور من قبل سنشري للاستشارات

Khaleej Times - My Nation My Vision’ campaign...
Century Financial and Khaleej Times recently came together to felicitate the winners of the ‘My Nation My Vision’ initiative

The campaign was launched on the social media channels of Century Financial and Khaleej Times last year, encouraging citizens and residents to share their visions for the future on a dedicated microsite.

The initiative received an overwhelmingly positive response with more than 11,000 vision entries submitted. After a thorough selection process, 49 winners were selected and felicitated at the International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA).

The top three winners — Shobhika Kalra, Haider Sharif and Minette Escober Javier — won gold coins.

As part of the ceremony, all the winners had the opportunity to plant 49 saplings of the UAE’s National Tree, the ‘Ghaf’ tree, with their name tags on it, facilitated with Team Goumbook.

As the initiative stands for a better tomorrow, both Century Financial and Khaleej Times saw an opportunity to make a difference to the UAE’s environment and help plant the Ghaf tree saplings, by giving winners a chance to do the same. The ceremony was held was carried out respecting Covid-19 guidelines.

Source: Khaleej Times