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MT4 Platform FAQ

Getting started
with MT4

Learn how to download, install and log in to the
MT4 platform on your PC or Mac.

Firstly, you will need to download and install the MT4 platform.

You can do so via the admin portal or the button below. Please note the download link does not work on mobile and tablet devices.

icon-downloadDownload MT4

Please remember that your MT4 password is different from your NG Platform password. To set your MT4 password, please log in to the admin portal using the password you created on the application form.

1. Launch the MT4 platform. The icon shortcut should be available on your desktop once you have downloaded and installed MT4.

2. Connect to the server. Server Name: CMC MT4 – CMCMarkets1-ROW

3. Select ‘Existing trade account’ to log in.

4. The following details will now be required:

a) Login (this is your MT4 account ID)

b) Your MT4 password

5. You should now be logged in. You can verify this by looking at the ‘Journal’ tab and the icon in the status bar at the bottom.​

When you trade on MT4 with us, you need one password to log in and trade on the MT4 platform, and one to log in to the admin portal.

In the admin portal, you can fund your MT4 account quickly and easily, manage your passwords and view your account balance. You can also view your open positions.

Your admin portal password is the one you specify in our online MT4 application form (or your existing Next Generation password if you already have an account with us).

Your MT4 password can then be set up within the admin platform.

1. Launch the MT4 platform. The icon shortcut should be available on your desktop. The MT4 platform will open on your screen.

2. In the ‘Navigator’ section on the left of the platform you should see the account you first logged in with. The Navigator window can be toggled on and off using Ctrl+N.

3. Select (double-click) the account you want to access and enter the following details:

a) Login (this is your MT4 account ID)

b) Your MT4 password

c) Server Name: CMC MT4 – CMCMarkets1-ROW

4. You should now be logged in. You can verify this by looking at the ‘Journal’ and the icon in the status bar at the bottom.​

Fund your MT4 account through the admin portal on a PC or Mac.

To log in, you will need your admin portal username and password, not your MT4 platform login details.

Once you’ve logged in, select the ‘Payments’ window from the main navigation in the admin portal, to deposit via card, PayPal or bank transfer.

Remember: Your MT4 platform password is different from your admin portal password, and is not kept in sync.

If you already have a demo or live MT4 account and are opening a second account, you don’t need to download and reinstall the MT4 platform again. If you do reinstall MT4, you may lose any preferences you’ve set up previously.