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Thursday, June 08, 2017

Century Financial Brokers launches Health, Wealth and Happiness (HWH) initiative

تم إعداد هذا المنشور من قبل بال كريشين

Century Financial Brokers launches Health,...

The HWH campaign is planned in line with UAE’s ‘Year of Giving’ programme

Century Financial Brokers, the region’s leading financial brokerage firm and online trading service provider, has launched the “Health, Wealth & Happiness” (HWH) initiative this holy month of Ramadan. This is in keeping with the UAE’s President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan’s declaration of 2017 being the ‘Year of Giving’.

Century Financial Brokers has launched this campaign to create an atmosphere of happiness through donating items related to hygiene, discounts on money transfer and mobile calling vouchers. The campaign aims to share and multiply happiness with the underprivileged. It is designed to cater to labour camps in the UAE. The firm has also launched an online platform initiative to donate money to the Dubai Center for Special Needs (DCSN).

The ‘Year of Giving’ seeks to spread the values of giving across the society and take forward the vision of the leaders to launch new initiatives that establish the value of giving in the UAE.

Commenting on the HWH initiative, Mr. Bal Krishen, CEO of Century Financial Brokers, said, “Each year we are known to create unique experiences for our patrons and associates during our special corporate iftar. This year too, we have created a charity experience through the Health, Wealth & Happiness initiative”.

“The initiative has a two- fold approach. The first was conducted at the grand Iftar hosted at the JW Marriott Marquis for our clients and patrons. A “Happiness Tree” was installed at the venue and the guests were requested to decorate the Happiness Tree with three coloured leaves. Each coloured leaf represented different parts of the initiative – Red for Health, Yellow for Wealth and Blue for Happiness. The response was overwhelming and we are very pleased with the outcome. We will be donating this to the labour camps in Dubai on their behalf,” he added.

Century Financial Brokers will provide the underprivileged with Happiness Boxes containing:

  • Health/hygiene related goods
  • Discount vouchers for money transfer charges, to send across their money to their families
  • International calling cards to call their loved ones back home

“The second part of this charity initiative will continue on a specially developed website wherein everyone is invited to visit the Century Happiness website, and click on the HWH unit featured on the website. Every click on the HWH unit will lead to US $1 being donated by Century on behalf of the guest or visitor. The participation in this online charity initiative will continue till the end of Ramadan. The charity amount is based on the number of clicks with an upper limit of 400 clicks per day. The equivalent amount to 4000 clicks over a period of 10 days will be donated to the Dubai Center for Special Needs (DCSN), a non-profit organization that provides the highest standards of service in specialized education and therapy for children with various disabilities,” Mr. Krishen further said.

Century Financial Brokers has also partnered with volunteer.ae, an initiative by the Emirates Foundation to create a large pool of volunteers for public and private services, to distribute the Happiness Boxes in the labour community in Dubai.

Through this initiative, Century Financial Brokers offers everyone a chance to participate in the ‘Year of Giving’ by offering charity either through the happiness tree or the happiness website and with Century donating the actual proceeds to those in need on behalf of everyone participating in this initiative