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Saturday, July 01, 2017

Century Financial with Dubai Center for Special Needs

تم إعداد هذا المنشور من قبل سنشري للاستشارات

Century Financial with Dubai Center for Special...


Century extends gratitude to all participants of our second Happiness initiative – an online platform that started June 10, 2017 to donate money to Dubai Center for Special Needs (DCSN). For every click on the Happiness website, Century donated USD 1 to DCSN.

We deeply appreciate the opportunity Dubai Center for Special Needs granted us and are pleased for the cause it would support.

DCSN is a non-profit organization that provides the highest standards of service in specialized education and therapy for children with special needs.

In Picture: Cheque presentation by Mr. Bal Krishen, CEO – Century Financial Brokers LLC to Dr. Mahshid Salehi, Director – Dubai Center for Special Needs. The amount is equivalent to 4000 clicks over a period of 15 days.